Commercial Lines

In-House Facilities

We currently have the following facilities in-house for your commercial needs

Lloyds Property Slips
Under our slips we are able to provide up to $8,000,000 capacity with the ability to go to our surplus Lloyds underwriters to provide an additional 3.5x the limit. We are also able to provide Commercial General Liability under this slip as well but for low hazard products or completed operations; in addition to our mono-line liability facilities available at this time. We are able to use this facility to write standard surplus lines and provide coverage for your substandard property accounts.
Average Commission  - 15%

Commercial Rented Dwellings
Commercial Vacant Dwellings
Accounts with multiple claims
Cancellation for non-payment
Un-protected Risks
Course of Construction

Lloyds Commercial Slip
Under this slip we are able to provide up to $5,000,000 CGL, most classes considered, check back for expanded classes offered.
Average Commissions 12.5% - 15%

Examples of business we can easily accomodate:
(some classes)
Business & Professional Services
(E&O available on some classes)


If we are unable to write your risk in-house, we will market the account for you. Below is a list of markets that we have available to us. We try to place all our business with regular markets and earn the highest commission possible for each individual agency and group, however we do need to balance this with pricing of the account and market availability. From time to time these accounts are placed with markets that you may have access to, however, by doing the marketing for you we save you the time to pursue new clients and focus on your current book of business.

We have multiple markets for all these lines of business

Large Commercial Custom Accounts
USA and Worldwide Coverage
Apartment Buildings
Course of Constructions
Errors and Omissions/Professional Liability
Medical Malpractice
Event Liability
Directors & Officers 

Our Available Markets

Key Line of Business / Focus

Aviva Canada
AXA Pacific
Canadian Northern Shield
Chubb Canada
Click For Cover (CFC Underwriters)
Dominion of Canada
Economical Insurance Group
Gore Mutual
ING Canada
Kingsway General
Lloyds Syndicates
Liberty Mutual
MINT Specialty
Mutual Fire
Optimum West
Royal Sun Alliance
Sovereign General
St. Paul Travelers
Zurich Canada

All Lines
All Lines
Property, Small Business
Life Sciences, Bio Sciences, World Wide Operations
Miscellaneous E&O, D&O - Tech, A&E, Quasi Med.
Manufacturing, Large Contractors, Motor Truck Cargo, WW Ops
Property, Building Ownership
Property, Churches
All Lines
Small Business, Property
All Lines
Liability driven accounts, COC, Property Schedules
Most Lines - Prosurance (E&O) / Information Technology
Information Technology Package, CGL (Monoline), E&O (Monoline)
Specialty Lines
Products Liability
Farms, Property, Small Business Packages
Property, Small Business Packages
All Lines, wholesale / distribution, Industrial / Commercial COC / MTC
All Lines
Financial Services, Entertainment Division
Manufacturing - No US installations